Water, Water, Everywhere

Water, water, everywhere,

to wash my hands and wash my hair.

Its nice to drink it by the pool,

slurp it, sip it, nice and cool.

It comes from clouds don't you know,

falls in rain and also snow.

Keep it clean or you will be

sick as sick as sick can be.

We are lucky here at school,

to have clean water to keep us cool.

Think of others when you get paid

and give a bit to water aid.


OSLIN Works to Empower Youth

The annual youth empowerment summit took place this past Saturday at the Southport United Methodist Church!  We received an amazing turnout and had many great speakers talk to our youth about education, career paths, mental health, college and more.  Every year we hope to provide a safe space for our youth to come and not only learn about different topics, but to also ask important questions about issues they might be facing.  

Diamonds of Wisdom for Adults Dealing with Youth

  • Create a safe space for them to want to talk to you.
  • Provide a listening ear even if it's outside of the norm for you.
  • Give them a chance to explore their talents.
  • Talk about the difficult topics with them (drugs, school violence, bullying, alcohol use)